vicarious sadism

Sadistic Personality Types - Spineless sadism

Four Subtypes of Sadistic Personality

The Different Types of Sadistic Malignant Narcissists#shorts

Sadistic Personality Types - Tyrannical Sadism

Sadistic Personality Types: Enforcing Sadism

The Dark Tetrad: Exploring the depths of Sadism

Are Internet Trolls Psychopathic? | Sadistic, Narcissistic & Antisocial Personality

Twelve Signs of a Sadistic Partner: Unmasking a Malignant Narcissist

The Narcissist and Everyday Sadism #narcissism

What is the Dark Tetrad? | Has the Dark Triad been replaced?

Nine Signs of The Dark Personality

The Dark Tetrad: Psychopathy Unmasked

appropriating morality | how 'the Judeo-Christian tradition' takes false credit [cc]

The Psychology of Internet Trolling - Evita March

Steven Pinker: 'Who, Me Controversial?'

The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined

The herd mentality of voyeurism and exhibitionism

Twilight | ContraPoints

The transference along the analytic process

Benjamin Schachtman: (English) 'Dark Comedy and Trauma'

Online Harassment: Networks, Psychology, Interventions

Study shows lack of understanding and empathy about depression

Why Do People Catfish?

Trolls, negative feedback and unfair reviews. What to do about them.